
i am so slowy

today, i only did 2 new pieces, both are plants jewellery, and i forgot to take a photo. i will send them tomorrow.and one ting i need to mentioned, that is i promiss do all the form like a traditional jewellery's form in the next step. i think that will be safe, but maybe no funny, and taht make me think about the talent RCA guy (THE TRUTH IS MORE THAN 2 PEOPLE SAID THAT) .

ok, the question are:

1 time

2 how to make a link between the old projects and the news

3 i already chose plants, fire, so what will be the next main meterial. i have to notice------'many different meterial show one idea.'................'many'!!!!!! the traditional jewellery also can be different, like changing the size, the scale. and maybe i can do some new concept with the jewellery box. music is also an ephemeral element....

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